The Browser for Live Demos
Eliminate the need to log in and out, jump between browser windows, and save the entire demo!
30 Day Free Trial. No Payment Info Needed.
Demostory is a browser built on the Chrome platform that incorporates all of the best technical features that aid the live demo experience.
With users at
Built by Sales Engineers for Live Demos
Save, Share, and Launch Demo Setups
Save different demo setups as shortcuts and launch with one click. The demostory browser will save your entire demo including tab colors, tab names, order, urls, usernames and passwords.
Edit tab names and colors to provide visual cues to your audience. Make it easy to follow along.
Session Management
Each new tab can be its own session allowing you to be logged into the same instance of your product with multiple users all in the same browser window. No more switching browser, logging in and out, or demoing from admin accounts.
Build demos. Tell Stories!
See Demostory in Action
Deliver Flawless Live Demos
Each tab is like its own browser allowing you to be logged in as different user accounts in the same browser window
Tab Edits
Set tab names and colors to provide context to your audience
Save and Launch
Build and save multiple demos. Launch in 1 click!
Built on Chrome
No training needed and compatible with your product